Advisory Board
Executive Board
Mr. Matt Shortway, Chair
Matt Shortway is a graduate of Clarkson University studying Bio-Molecular Science and Business Management. He spent 10 years as an active duty US Marine reaching the rank of Major and became the Air Control Training Squadron, Company C Commander. After military service founded Shortway Brewing Company which has worked with CSE3 to implement Sustainable Energy initiatives, and has been a member of the CSE3 advisory board since 2022.
Mr. Larry Beckman, Co-Chair
Larry Beckman is the Vice President of Manufacturing for Mt. Olive Pickle Company. He has held that position for the past 7 years. He has a background in operations, engineering, maintenance, and lean manufacturing. He has worked in consumer products and food manufacturing over his career. He is a strategic leader that promotes teamwork and drives for results.
Mr. Dexter Matthews, University Liaison
Dexter Matthews is the Vice President of Government Relations and Environmental Affairs at Liberty Tire Recycling. Prior to his role at Liberty, he retired as the Director of the Division of Waste Management with the NC Carolina Department of Environmental Quality. He holds hold a B.S. and M.S. in Environmental Health from ECU.
Mr. Wayne Rollins, Industry Relations
R. Wayne Rollins worked 24 years in manufacturing with Ford Motor Company and Nippon Light Metal. For the last 18 years, I have worked with American College Testing (ACT) revamping their foundational skills testing and served on the Mid-East Commission Workforce Development Board Unit Rivers East. I am currently working at Pitt County Economic Development as their Retention and Expansion Specialist in Greenville.
Ms. Haley Smith, Marketing and out Reach ( she is with Stormwater Engineering Specialist)
Haley, an alumna of the Environmental Engineering program at ECU, served as the Pollution Prevention Coordinator for ECU CSE3 during her junior and senior years. She has since embarked upon a promising career as an engineer in training, contributing her expertise to a variety of civil service projects including water, sewer, and stormwater management.
Advisory Board
Executive Director
Pitt County Development Commission
Vice President of Manufacturing
Mt. Olive Pickle Company
Geosyntec Consultants, Inc,
Transworld Business Advisor
Advanced Technology IPT Lead
FRC East
20 years of experience in automation and alternative energy segments
Savannah Rivers National Laboratory
Manager, Chemical Operations
Aurora Phosphate Division
Network Manager
Southeast Sustainability Directors Network
Environmental Business Development
Vice President Government Relations & Environmental Affairs,
Liberty Tire Recycling
Building Science Consultant
Advanced Energy Corporation
Executive Director
N.C. Craft Brewers Guild
Director Alternative Fuels Systems — Business Development
TECO Peoples Gas
Director, Division of Environmental Assistance & Customer Service
NC Department of Environmental Quality
Energy Services Officer
Greenville Utilities Commission (GUC)
Shortway Brewing Company
Executive Director, N.C. Sea Grant Program
Director, Water Resources Research Institute of UNC
Recycling Section Chief
Plant Manager
DuPont Inc.