Construction Management Advisory Board

The Department of Construction Management is honored to have a large, active and extremely supportive Industry Advisory Board. Our Industry Advisory Board is made up of top professionals in various facets of the construction industry. Members help us provide quality preparation for our students, position the department for maximum growth and build a strong network of industry support. The board is led by an elected team of advisers, who make up the Executive Council. If you would like to inquire about becoming a member of our Industry Advisory Board, please contact us.

Industry Advisory Board Mission Statement

“Our mission is to be recognized as an active and dynamic Construction Management Advisory Board engaging in the development and strengthening, through sustained and proactive involvement with the students and faculty, of the Department of Construction Management at East Carolina University. We will strive to share advances in all aspects of the construction industry with the students and faculty of the CMGT department to ensure that our students remain at the forefront of cutting-edge tools, techniques and technology for them to be highly skilled, competitive and sought-after graduates.”

Click here for CMGT Advisory Board Bylaws – revised 8/2015


Industry Advisory Board Meeting

The Spring Meeting will be on April 11, 2025. If you did not receive an email invitation please reach out to the department IAB Liason Mrs. Sabrina Bakley.

Executive Council

Scott Cooper
Scott Cooper
President – Executive Council
Caterpillar, Inc.
Mary Brinn
Mary Brinn
Brinn Glass
Matt Chance
Matt Chance
Precision Walls, Inc.
Patrick Fay
Patrick Fay
Harkins Builder


David Philyaw
David Philyaw
T.A. Loving Company
Bill Seyler
Bill Seyler
Lend Lease
Mark Williford
Mark Williford
Southern Piping
Chris White
Chris White
Frank L. Blum Construction


Our current CMGT IAB members are listed in the table below. This table is updated regularly, but if you notice anything that needs to be corrected, please send an email to If your contact information, job title, or company name needs to be updated, please complete the form available here: CMGT IAB Member Information Update Form

FirstLastCompany/Job Title
KristopherArnoldSenior Adv Officer ECU Foundations • UAH Major Gifts (Donors)
SueSayger #CMGT Faculty Representative
Sabrina Bakley #CMGT IAB Liaision - Administrative Support - Advanced
Harry J.PloehnCET ECU/Professor & Dean
JerryGao #Department Chair - ECU CMGT
EddieJohnsonNorth Carolina Office of State Human Resources/ State Safety & Health Director/ Project Manager
MaryBrinn #Brinn Glass, Inc. President
MattChance #Precision Walls Inc./Advanced Exterior Systems
R. ScottCooper ##CATERPILLAR, INC., Telehandler Alliance Group JLG Industries, Inc./Marketing Mgr, CD/LACD
PatrickFay #Harkins Builders Inc. / Lead Superintendent
DavidPhilyaw #T.A. Loving Company/Senior VP/Building Division
BillSeyler #*Retired
ChrisWhite #Frank L. Blum Construction Company/ VP of Preconstruction Services
MarkWilliford #SPC Mechanical Corp/ VP Support Services
GreggMondayL. F. Jennings Inc./Vice President *retired
FrankWernerCRH Americas, Inc. (*RETIRED*)
BryanWheelerHonorary IAB Member - Former CMGT Faculty - CRAFT Lab
NickAltilioL.F. Jennings Inc/Project Engineer
MelvinArmstrongSIEMENS Energy/Transmission Operations Manager
Russell "Rusty"BaldersonWM Jordan Company/ Senior Project estimator
ReggieBarnacascelBoddie-Noell Enterprises, Inc./Vice President Restaurant Development
RobBrogdonCentury Contractors. Inc - Executive Vice President
PippaBrownL. F. Jennings Inc./Assistant Project Manager
JerryLangstonHensel Phelps/Project Manager-Construction Group
SteveMacmillanHensel Phelps/Project Manager-Construction Group
Carl V.CarneyDavie Construction Co./President C.E.O
AlChessonA.R. Chesson Construction/CEO President
WilliamCreelSolomon Plumbing/ Purchasing Manager
BrianDenisarBobbitt Construction, Inc/CEO
NathanDicksonBlack & Veatch Company
GregDrenningJames G. Davis Construction/Sr. Project Manager
SamEllisFortune-Johnson/Title Senior Project Manager
BillFarrior JrFarrior and Sons/INC President
SonnyFosterSmithson Inc./President
PrestonGodwinHusdon Brothers Construction Co./Project Manager
JoeyHatchHamlin Roofing/ Project Manager
Richard (Rick)Hibbett, Jr.MEB Group/Business Development Manager
AmzieHoffnerS.T. Wooten/ Vice President
DylanHutchinsonJames G. Davis Construction
WilliamJanningBalfour Beatty Infrastucture, Inc./Field Engineer
MatthewJonesJSmith Civil, LLC/Vice President of JSmith Civil
KeithLeeSunbelt Rentals Scaffold Services/ Profit Center Manager
MikeMacGilvrayFrank L. Blum Construction Company/ Senior Preconstruction Manager
NickMagniniKB Home Raleigh/ Vice President of Operations
GregMarksMW Construction Services, LLC/Operations Manager
JoshuaMauneyParagon Safety Group/CEO
ThomasMcCarthyHourigan/Client Solutions Manager
PatMcCraryCoakley & Williams Construction/Senior PreConstruction Manager
WillMcLawhornMonteith Construction/VDC Director
HunterNicholsSenior Preconstruction Manager/BRASFIELD & GORRIE, LLC
KeithNixonBalfour Beatty Infrastucture, Inc./SE Region Ops Manager
PetePemantellHolder Construction Company/ Vice President - Operations
LangdonPleasantS.T. Wooten/Sales Representative
KeithPoettkerPoettker Construction/CEO
Robert N.PontonC.R. Jackson, Inc./ Executive Vice President
DavidPriceDavid Price Construction/Owner
HectorRayRAYWEST Designbuild/owner
StacyRookerClancy & Theys Construction Company
EricRothrockCrescent Communities Construction, LLC/ VP Preconstruction
FrankRygielWalbridge - VP/ General Manager - Florida Group
JoshSeymourMcDonaldYork Building Company/ Business Developer
TomShannonBarnhill Contracting Company/Vice President of Human Resources and Safety
FosterSmithLeChase Construction Services/Project Manager
John W.SmithBarnhill Contracting Company/Vice President Eastern Division
ChrisSpachSouthCon Building Group/President/ CEO
SethSpeightW.M. Jordan Co./Project Estimator
R. CraigSpiveyLiberty Senior Living/Director of Construction
PhilipSquiresMattamy Homes/VP Purchasing
JustinStancillLithko Contracting, LLC/Project Lead
AdamTerracinaAJT Construction, Inc./President
AaronThomasMetcon, Inc./President & CEO
MikkelThompsonPulteGroup, Inc/VP of Construction Operations
Ed LawrenceTipton, IITipton Builders, Inc./ President
WilliamTroxler JrTroxler Labs/CEO & President
MattTurnerBarnhill Contracting Company/Director of Business Development Eastern Division
JohnTuschakCrowder Construction Company- Heavy Civil Division/Regional Operations Manager
MattVan SickleVan Sickle Law, PLLC/Attorney
Reginald "Reggie"WarrenAtrium Health/Assistant Vice President - Planning, Design, Construction (Facilities Management Group)
GregWestRAYWEST Designbuild/owner
EddieWillifordGregory Poole Equipment Company/ Executive Vice President & COO
ScottWinsteadFMI/President, Management Consulting

