Dr. Jerry Gao

Dept Chair and Professor
Rawl 346B


Ph.D. in Civil Engineering, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa 2004

Professional Registration and Affiliations

  • Registered Professional Engineer (Minnesota)
  • Certified Professional Constructor (CPC), American Institute of Constructors

Research Interests:

  • Lean and green construction
  • AI applications in construction.
  • Virtual design and construction, including visualization and BIM development and implantation.

Teaching Interests:

  • Structural Analysis
  • Construction Planning and Scheduling
  • Construction Estimating
  • Construction Capstone
  • Construction Equipment

Recent Publications

  1. Al-Qudah S., Bai, X., Yang, M, and Gao, Z (2024). Deep learning-based structural health monitoring through the infusion of optical photos and vibration data. Advances in Structural Engineering. Published in Vol. 29 No. 1 October 2024.
  2. Ahiable, C., Banawi A., Gao Z., and Boateng S., (2023). Developing an Interactive model to Integrate human expertise with Building Information Modelling. Journal of Architectural Engineering. Published in Vol. 29 No. 1 March 2023).
  3. Aslam, M., Gao, Z., Smith, G., Huang Y., and Orr M., (2022). Development of Interpretative Structural Modeling (ISM) Based Lean Construction Implementation Framework. Lean Construction journal. Published in LCI-2022, pp. 105-129.
  4. Aslam, M., Gao. Z., Smith. G., (2021). Development of Lean Approaching Sustainability Tools (LAST) matrix for achieving integrated lean and sustainable construction, Construction Economics and Building, 21(3). Pp.176-197. Published: December 1, 2021.
  5. Aslam, M., Gao, Z., and Smith, G. (2021). Integrated implementation of Virtual Design and Construction (VDC) and lean project delivery system (LPDS), Journal of Building Engineering, 39. Published: July 2021.
  6. Aslam, M., Gao. Z., Smith. G., (2020). Exploring factors for implementing lean construction for rapid initial successes in construction, Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol 277. Published: July 31, 2020.
  7. Aslam, M., Gao, Z., and Smith, G. (2020). Optimizing Construction Design Process Using the LeanBased Approach. Lean Construction Journal 2020 pp 154-182. Published: December 21, 2020.
  8. Aslam, M., Gao, Z., Smith, G. (2020). Framework for selection of lean construction tools based on lean objectives and functionalities. International Journal of Construction Management. Published: February 2020.
  9. Aslam, M., Gao, Z., Smith, G. (2020). Development of Innovative Integrated Last Planner System (ILPS). International Journal of Civil Engineering. Published: March 11, 2020.
  10. Yang, M., Paudel, S. R., and Gao, Z. (2021). Snow-Proof Roadways Using Steel Fiber–Reinforced Fly Ash Geopolymer Mortar–Concrete, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. V.33(2). Published: November 19, 2020.
  11. Paudel, S. R., Yang, M., Gao, Z. (2020). PH level of Pore Solution in Alkali Activated Fly-Ash Geopolymer Concrete and Its Effect on ASR of Aggregates with Wide Silicate Contents. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. Submitted: May 4, 2019. Published: June 29, 2020.
  12.  Alshandah, M., Huang, Y., Gao, Z., Lu, P. (2020). Internal Crack Detection in Concrete Pavement using Discrete Embedded Strain Sensors. Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring Published: March 05, 2020.