Christopher Jackson

Teaching Instructor
Sci-Tech 406
Prior to coming to ECU, I worked for over nine years in aircraft material and process analysis, certification, and reliability as an employee of Spirit AeroSystems and also General Dynamics Information Technology. In nearly five years of employment with Naval Air Systems Command aboard Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point, I also served as a structural engineer for both the H-53 and C-130 aircraft, as well as the Industrial Logistics Analysis Branch Head.
I hold a B.S. in Aerospace Engineering and Master of Engineering degrees from North Carolina State University, and am a current Ph.D. student in Systems Engineering and Engineering Management at Old Dominion University. Areas of research pertain to the application of System-of-Systems Engineering (SoSE) principles to existing aircraft margin of safety methodologies. General academic areas of interest include Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA), technical product life cycle management, and aircraft design and manufacturing process improvement.