Inducting Student Engineers
To help close out the Fall 2017 term, the College of Engineering and Technology’s Department of Engineering held two, honor society induction ceremonies.
Tau Beta Pi, the National Engineering Honor Society, inducted 25 juniors and seniors. Juniors were chosen from the top one-eighth of their class, and seniors represented the top one-fifth.
Students inducted into Tau Beta Pi included Basel Abdelfattah, Hannah Barker, Katie Brown, Thomas Buckner, Joshua Butler, Angel Chukwu, Jordan Conoly, Davis Harrison, Justin Honda, Tyler Jones, Aiden Kautz, Katerina Koloustroubis, Casey Lohner, John-Andrew Lovins, Patricia Malcolm, James Martin, Ezequiel Mosso, Austin Parker, Caleb Paul, Daniel Pearce, Morgan Randolph, Alexander Schodt, Mathew Ward, Morgan Wilder and Keith Williams. Dr. Ricky Castles serves as the organization’s advisor.
Alpha Eta Mu Beta (AEMB), the national Biomedical Engineering Honor Society, inducted more than ten junior, senior and graduate students including Joshua Butler, Genesis Cruz-Molina, Kamara Jones, Jacob Ludwick, Patricia Malcolm, Daniel Pearce, Arianna Safon, Alexander Schodt, Keslee Snuggs, Kinsley Tate and Keith Williams. Juniors with AEMB represented the top one-fifth of their class. Seniors represented the top one-third and graduate students had to have a 3.75 GPA or higher and be in the top one-third of their class. AEMB is advised by Blair Weaver and Dr. Barbara Muller-Borer.
Victoria Myers is a biomedical engineering senior from Fayetteville, North Carolina, and she is AEMB’s first, and current, president. With this recent increase in membership, she’s hoping to establish AEMB within both ECU and Greenville communities.
“Through multiple service projects, I hope to accomplish a local network,” said Myers. “Some of our possible service projects could include volunteering at the Humane Society, Food Bank and Community Garden.”
Inductees in both organizations had to demonstrate exemplary character and high integrity. Induction ceremonies for both organizations were held the same night and were followed by a banquet dinner. College Dean Harry Ploehn attended both inductions.

Dean Harry Ploehn
“These students exemplify the kind of engineers that we want to graduate from ECU,” said Ploehn. “Not only have they achieved excellence in their coursework, but they’ve also demonstrated outstanding character in their personal and professional conduct.”
Additionally, five students were inducted into both honor societies.