Senior Spotlight: Noah Sonne, Engineering Major
California-native Noah Sonne joined ECU and the College of Engineering and Technology (CET) as a freshman. Originally, he wanted to become an engineer and then go work in industry. However, all that changed when he walked into one of the college’s labs. Today, he wants to become an astronaut.
Here’s his story.
Why did you choose to attend ECU’s College of Engineering and Technology?
ECU and the College of Engineering and Technology have a different engineering program than any of the other in-state schools, which really appealed to me. Also, the affordability of living in Greenville had a definite impact on my school selection.
How did the ability to participate in undergraduate research play a role in choosing CET?
When I first joined CET, I had no intention of conducting research. However, once I began working for the vibrations lab, I caught the bug. I now know that the career I wish to pursue is in research and development, rather than industry.
Describe your biggest accomplishment during your time at the college.
My biggest accomplishment at CET has been the various publications of my research at national/international conferences.
Why would you recommend CET to someone looking for a career in engineering?

Noah Sonne
I would recommend CET to anyone because they would have the opportunity to explore the many aspects of a “career in engineering.” I know for me, straight out of high school, I really was not sure what it meant to be an engineer. Now, thanks to all the experiences the college has provided, I have a good idea of what it means to be a research engineer, or an industrial engineer, or consulting engineer, etc. This exposure helped me narrow down what I wanted to do.
What’s next for you?
I have been accepted into the aerospace engineering program on a Ph.D. track at the University of Colorado, Boulder. I will begin my studies this Fall.
Good luck, Noah!