Dr. Batts Recognized by the University

Dr. David Batts

Congratulations to our Dr. David Batts, associate professor in the College’s Technology Systems department. He was recently awarded ECU’s Centennial Award for Excellence.  Dr. Batts was given this award because he demonstrated a “spirit,” or a sense of being that embodies an enthusiasm for the purpose, mission and belief in the institution and action on that enthusiasm benefiting ECU.

That’s a mouthful, but essentially, he loves ECU. And, it shows!!

According to the university, the Centennial Award for Excellence represents the highest award given to faculty and staff for excellence in each of the following areas: spirit, leadership, ambition and spirit. These attributions are representative of the characteristics of East Carolina as defined in the purpose statement of the ECU Centennial.

Dr. Paul Kauffmann, professor emeritus and founding chair of the College’s Department of Engineering, submitted a letter supporting Dr. Batts. In it, he wrote, “he is selfless in the time he spends and is focused on the higher goals of making the world a better place.”

Congratulations, Dr. Batts.