Graduation Information
For College of Engineering & Technology Undergraduate & Graduate Students
East Carolina University’s Spring 2025 Commencement Ceremony will be Friday, May 9, at 10 a.m., at Dowdy-Ficklen Stadium.
All ECU spring 2025 and summer 2025 graduates, including those earning undergraduate, masters, doctoral and professional degrees, will be REQUIRED to complete an RSVP form to participate in the university commencement ceremony. The required RSVP process will assist with logistical planning, and students who have completed the RSVP will receive additional instructions to their ECU email account. Guest tickets are not required for the university ceremony in Dowdy-Ficklen Stadium. The RSVP form will be posted on the ECU Commencement website.
Additional updates and information will be posted throughout the semester on the ECU Commencement website including details about the commencement speaker, parking, hotels, RSVPs and more.
CET Graduate Recognition Ceremony
The College of Engineering and Technology Graduate Recognition Ceremony will be at 7 p.m. Friday, May 9, at Minges Coliseum. Students should monitor their ECU email for information concerning registration and deadlines to be listed in the ceremony program.
Livestream: The CET recognition ceremony will be available via livestream, with the feed beginning at about 6:45 p.m. on May 9. A link for the livestream will be shared later on this site.
If you are graduating, it is critical that you apply for graduation right away if you have not already done so. Please confer with your academic advisor (undergraduate students) or faculty advisor (graduate students) to verify that you will finish if you are unsure and have not already applied for graduation. Additional information about how to apply for graduation can be found through the registrar’s website.
You can verify that you have applied to graduate in your degree works worksheet where it will indicate your graduate term and what semester. If that is blank, then you have not applied for graduation. Contact your academic (undergraduate) or faculty (graduate) advisor if you have questions about this process and your standing as a spring or summer graduate.
Are you attending? If you are a graduate and plan to attend the CET ceremony, we need to know to ensure we have enough staffing and resources for the event. Check your email for a link to our CET ceremony reservation form and complete it by the deadline. Please note that this form is different than the RSVP form for university commencement. On the day of the CET ceremony, check in from 6:15 to 6:30 p.m. at Minges Coliseum. Processional begins at 6:45 p.m. Note that traffic in the area may be heavy and delays are possible, so plan accordingly.
Tickets: Please refer to the emails you receive from regarding tickets for the CET Recognition Ceremony. Any questions can be directed to that email address.
For questions about the College of Engineering and Technology recognition ceremony, email
Congratulations to all of our graduates!
Apply for Graduation
ALL STUDENTS must apply for graduation online through Pirate Port at least one semester prior to completing the requirements of the degree as stated by the Academic Catalog. Please visit the Office of the Registrar’s graduation web page for deadlines and instructions on applying to graduate.
Tassels, Caps, Honors Cords and Gowns
All Undergraduate students will wear a gold tassel with a purple gown. All master degree students will wear a gold tassel with gold hood with a black gown, with the exception of the MS in Biomedical Engineering. These graduates will have an orange tassel with orange hood with a black gown.
Cap and gown are part of your tuition and may be picked up at the bookstore at no charge but you do have to complete the Commencement Apparel Form at Shipping is provided at a nominal fee. Additional questions concerning cap and gowns should be directed to the ECU student bookstore at 1-877-499-8398.
The College of Engineering and Technology does not offer honors cords. The first opportunity for students to purchase university honors cords (if eligible) will be the start of the Grad Expo at Dowdy Student Stores. Otherwise, many organizations provide their own honors cords/stoles, so please contact your specific organization for participation.
Academic Honors Recognition
Please note that academic honor designations are provided by the registrar’s office and graduation services, not by our college, and are not officially determined until after the semester has concluded. Those graduating over summer will not have an academic honor noted on the program, as that is too far ahead of where the registrar’s office can calculate the likelihood of this status. Academic honors indications in the program are calculated using current standing/GPA and projected GPA and again, designated by the registrar’s office.
If you definitively believe that you should be graduating with honors, you will want to contact the registrar’s office directly for validation.
For parking questions, please visit or email at or by phone at 252-328-1962.
Requests for Accommodations
Graduates with Disabilities in need of accommodations for the University Commencement and/or Departmental Ceremonies should contact the Department of Disability Support Services at or call (252) 737-1016. Please be mindful the university does not provide personal care items such as wheelchairs. There will be handicap parking available at Minges and staff available to guide guests with handicap/accommodation needs to the elevators and toward the handicap seating. All handicap seating is first-come, first-seat, so we recommend that your guests arrive early to get to the second level of Minges via elevator to get seated.
Fall 2022 Commencement Programs
For a list of Fall 2022 graduates from the College of Engineering and Technology, click here.