Center for Innovation in Technology & Engineering - Industry Relations
Partner with us!
Whether your company is looking for an academic partner, recruiting new talent, providing employee education and training, or developing innovative product ideas, we’ll help you explore our campus’s extensive resources to find the right collaborators—and forge meaningful connections that drive economic growth.
- Connect at SciTech – Opportunity for companies to set up a table in the atrium of Sci Tech. Click the link to register!
- Customized Training
- Hosting Student Tech Tours
- Case Study to Classroom
- Capstone Sponsorships
- Recruitment
- Shadowing Opportunities
- Internship/Co-Op questions
For more information, please contact:
Scott Snead ‘90
Director of Industry Relations & CITE
East Carolina University
College of Engineering and Technology
Science & Technology Building, Suite 100
Greenville, NC 27858 – 4353
252.328.9654 Desk
252.531.7378 Cell