Mechanical Engineering Concentration

Mechanical Engineering Concentration

Mechanical Engineering is one of the broadest engineering disciplines. Mechanical engineers have the skills to support design and improvement of a wide range of products from supersonic aircraft to toasters and bicycles. Mechanical engineers may specialize in areas like combustion, thermal systems, machine design, and robotics or crossover into advanced technologies such as artificial limbs and nanotechnology.

As a mechanical engineering concentration undergraduate, you learn the science and engineering principles of designing and building machines, structures, components, power trains, pumps, compressors, turbines, engines, power plants, furnaces, refrigerators, air conditioners, and more.

Mechanical engineers are the general practitioners of the engineering profession and they are involved in essentially every engineering application. It is not possible to list all of the areas that depend on mechanical engineers. However, traditional areas include power plants and rotating equipment, heating and refrigeration, robotics, machine design, materials processing, process control and general manufacturing. Mechanical engineers are increasingly being called upon to improve the efficiency of processes so that they require less energy and production time and are sustainable, with reduced impact on the environment.


Dr. Tarek Abdel-Salam

Dr. Shunafrica Chambers

Dr. Jinbo Chen

Dr. Suranga Gunerathne

Dr. Colleen Janeiro (Concentration Coordinator)

Dr. Frimpong Opoku

Dr. Teresa Ryan

Dr. Brian Sylcott

Dr. Chris Venters


Career opportunities for mechanical engineers exist in a wide range of business and industry:

  • Manufacturing
  • Consulting engineering
  • Product design
  • Sales
  • Research

The mechanical engineering concentration continues to be the most popular concentration among engineering students at East Carolina University, and the demand for graduates in the mechanical engineering field continues to grow.

Mechanical engineering students that stay in the eastern North Carolina region after graduation quickly find employment in their field.

Visit the Bureau of Labor Statistics on employment in the field of Mechanical Engineering.

Professional Societies

 ASHRAE-LogoAmerican Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers
ASME logoAmerican Society of Mechanical Engineers
 sae logoSAE International
sme-logoSociety of Manufacturing Engineers